Are your employees giving company machines the respect they deserve? | Managed IT Solutions For Businesses

Are your employees giving company machines the respect they deserve?


That new company laptop is dented and running slowly—is that normal wear and tear, or a sign that your employees need to be re-educated on how to handle company property?
Here are some ways you can learn to spot mishandling from a mile away and save yourself from hefty repair bills down the road:
  • Learn the difference between use and abuse: Things like light scuffs and scratches to the computer chassis, minor cracks, or case separation (especially near the hinges) can sometimes be normal.
  • Keep an eye out for serious red flags like deeper scratches or dents on the computer: These signify that the computer may have been dropped. Cracks or color changes in the LCD display give away that the screen was either slammed shut or closed on a stray object.
  • Make sure your machines aren’t slogging through simple tasks: Slowed performance or persistent issues connecting to your network can indicate that the hardware inside has been damaged by impact.
  • Use ACS to monitor how and when your computers are used: Disclose to your team that you’re keeping track of each machine’s functionality, and you might prevent abuse entirely!




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