Did you know that we find the best information on the web about running your law firm and share it on social media? Think of it as your own personal super efficient MBA tailored to your business :).
Here are some of the awesome links we’ve shared so far this year!
Have you considered PPC for your #law firm yet? Here’s the skinny on using PPC to get new clients – http://ow.ly/rI3qA
5 Signs you Need a New Website for your #law firm — http://ow.ly/t2p1r via @mycaseinc
Redundant data is important for #law firms — Read more via @mycaseinc: http://ow.ly/udLjr
Three apps for helping #lawyers learn on the fly – http://ow.ly/uWwm8 via @attnyatwork
Your mobile #law office — it can be done! http://ow.ly/uWE7b
#Security for losing an iPhone/iPad with confidential client info — http://ow.ly/x6wx0
#Security for your apple device — the kill switch – http://ow.ly/yrrsX
Death of the #law home page? http://ow.ly/yrtUJ #podcast
Ever legal app for the iPhone & iPad – http://ow.ly/A20rm #law
Interested in more? Follow us on Google+ or LinkedIn!
Jen Steed writes about technology, travel and more. You can find her writing for various online and print publications. To talk to Jen or see all of her articles as they are published, you can follow Jen on Google+.